Melbourne Aviation Group

Best aircraft at the lowest cost

MAG is the most successful and longest running private flying group in Australia. MAG is run entirely not-for-profit operating out of Moorabbin Airport (YMMB), Melbourne’s largest GA airport.

TailBliss Hero
TypeCessna C182TPiper Archer III
Useful Load538 kgs396 kgs
$/hr Wet$336 airswitch$235 tacho
Cruise Speed145kts120kts

Our Aircraft

MAG has for many years been flying two aircraft, the Cessna 182 and Piper Archer. Both aircraft are always IFR capable and impeccably maintained

This mix of aircraft cover a majority of members’ missions, from local area training and short trips, to weeks-long outback adventures. All while not being overly demanding to fly.

How do I join?

MAG is a non-profit Pty Ltd company that owns and operates two aircraft for the exclusive use of its shareholders. To join MAG you need to purchase one of the shares from an existing member.

If you'd like to learn more about joining MAG, enter your details at the bottom of this page and we'll be in touch.


Our mission

Melbourne Aviation Group is a co-operative flying group founded in 1963. MAG is wholly owned by the shareholder pilots through the issue of shares in equal quantity to each member.

The aim of the group is to provide to the members access to aircraft free of the normal hiring restrictions imposed by schools and private owners, and at the lowest cost consistent with viable operations.

Latest news

Latest news and updates from Melbourne Aviation Group.

Oct. Wash & Polish

Great turnout for the October wash & polish. Wash great

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Dave Borgeest

Dave Borgeest

0 min read
[Revised] Wash and Polish

The weather was a little bleak on the 11 May when the last wash and polish was held which probably explains the relatively low numbers attending. Thanks to those who did attend and for their efforts in cleaning up the aircraft.

Tags: News
Bill Holmes

Bill Holmes

0 min read
2024 AGM

The Annual General Meeting date has been set. Pencil the date in...

Tags: News

0 min read

Learn more

Learn more about Melbourne Aviation Group and how you can get involved.