What am I buying a share in?

When you purchase a share, you are buying an equal share in Melbourne Aviation Group Pty Ltd (ABN 62 004 589 557) a company that owns two aircraft. You do not buy a share of a specific aircraft. There are 38 equal shareholdings in Melbourne Aviation Group Pty Ltd.

How easy is it to book the aircraft?

Availability is generally good. We have an online booking system where you can reserve the aircraft as per your needs. It’s uncommon that both aircraft will be fully booked for an entire weekend. Availability is seasonal, but a recent average for the C182 was 25 hrs flight time per month and the Archer was flown 16 hrs per month.

Can I use the aircraft overnight or for longer trips?

Absolutely! Our members have taken the aircraft all over Australia. You can use the aircraft for flying adventures, and it offers more flexibility compared to hiring from a flight school. There are no minimum flight hour requirements for an aircraft booking.

The 182 is the more popular aircraft due to its superior range, load capacity and speed.

What is the price of a share?

The price is negotiated between the buyer and the seller. When you indicate your interest in purchasing a share you will be provided a copy of the latest annual financials for you to assess the value of the share.

You’ll see the current balance sheet the value of the assets (the two aircraft, plus any reserves or upgrade funds) less any liabilities (MAG doesn’t carry any debt or finance, liabilities tend to be items such as trade debtors and GST).

As there are 38 members the intrinsic value of a share is the current value on the balance sheet divided by 38.

What are the ongoing costs involved?

Fixed costs such as insurance and access to the YMMB are charged in an annual fee. Typical fees range around $600 to $1200. Maintenance costs are included in the hourly rate.

There are occasional calls on members to fund aircraft replacements or upgrades. These are usually no more than $2000-$5000 and typically occur every 5 years in line with the group’s aircraft replacement policy. One of the primary concerns of the MAG Board is to maintain a low cost of flying and membership.

Are there any flying experience requirements?

Yes, a total flight experience of 200 hours is required to fly the C182 and 100 hours to fly the Archer.

MAG has a recency requirement for all pilots that requires a regular check ride. The more experience you have, and the more recent flying you’ve done will result in less frequent check rides.

Is there a minimum hour requirement to join as a member?

While there are minimum flying experience requirements in order to operate as PIC of MAG aircraft, there is no minimum hour requirement to join as a member.

How do I enquire about shares currently for sale?

If you are interested in shares currently available for sale contact membership@mag.com.au and your details will be forwarded to all group members. Members interested in selling their share will contact you directly to negotiate a price.

Check the page Joining MAG for more details.

What is the MAG Privacy Policy?

You can find our Privacy Policy here.


In short, MAG will never sell or provide your details to anyone. We are a non-profit organisation and have no interest in monetising mailing lists. We only collect your details in order to provide membership information and group updates.